

A Single-molecule Protein Interaction Detection(SPID) platform
for exploring Protein Dynamics

Quantitative, highly-reproducible bioinformation obtained from PROTEINA single-molecule co-immunoprecipitation technology permits the direct integration
of measured data sets obtained at multiple locations and timepoints, facilitating the discovery of novel biomarkers and therapeutic treatments

  • Services
  • Overview

Process workflow

Process workflow

Targeted protein
complexes are extracted
from the sample
(tissue, blood, or cells)

Process workflow

The targeted protein complexes are then detected using
fluorescent-signaling antibodies

Process workflow

The imaging platform detects the signals and represents each protein complex as a point in the displayed image

Process workflow

An analysis algorithm interprets the raw data of quantified indicators and produces a user-friendly report

PROTEINA’s research service will provide insightful data
that will assist in the development of new drugs

Research services
Feasibility study

Feasibility study

Analytical validation including assay optimization

Mode of action, target engagement

Preclinical development

Clinical study

Clinical study

Analysis of clinical samples using optimized assays

Pharmacodynamic/surrogate biomarker development

Optimal dose determination

Application of sample analyses to clinical trials (GLP grade, fast turnaround times)

During the new drug development process, PROTEINA conducts customized research on targeted
pharmaceutical compounds using proprietary assays and imaging devices.
Utilize PROTEINA’s accumulated wealth of knowledge in PPI analysis as we share our in-depth expertise
with you during the entire drug development process from pre-clinical research to clinical trials.

Strategic partnership enables joint development and
commercialization of companion diagnostic devices

Strategic partnership IVD-CDx co-development
Feasibility study

Cooperation based on strategic partnership and research collaboration with pharmaceutical developers

All relevant data provided to support co-commercialization

Predictive biomarker development can be used for patient stratification

The development of IVD-CDx as a result of strategic partnership is at the heart of PROTEINA’s future business.
From this joint research, we can develop new innovative IVD-CDx technologies never before seen on the market.