
Core Technology

A Single-molecule Protein Interaction Detection(SPID) platform
for exploring Protein Dynamics

Quantitative, highly-reproducible bioinformation obtained from PROTEINA single-molecule co-immunoprecipitation technology permits the direct integration
of measured data sets obtained at multiple locations and timepoints, facilitating the discovery of novel biomarkers and therapeutic treatments

  • Core Technology
  • Publications

PROTEINA technology has been validated time
and time again on multiple high-impact journals 

PROTEINA technology has been rigorously validated through numerous academic research papers published in well-respected scientific journals.
Over the years, these studies have provided strong evidence for the accuracy and reliability of PROTEINA platform technology in characterizing
protein-protein interactions. The PROTEINA platform has been used to validate known interactions, identify novel interactions, and study the
dynamics of protein interactions at the single molecule level. These studies have been carried out using a variety of cell types and organisms,
further demonstrating the versatility and broad applicability of PROTEINA technology.